k->n c->o d->k? s->v? w->r? One-letter words 70.0 A 30.0 I Two-letter words 20.5 co -> OF 11.4 Tc -> TO? 9.1 WE 9.1 Ia 6.8 ac -> _O 6.8 Ik -> IN|IS|IF -> IN? 6.8 Io 4.5 IT 4.5 vE 4.5 ng Three-letter words 31.5 THE 18.5 gcj 9.3 Auu 9.3 Akt -> AN_|AS_|AF_ -> AND 6.5 fAk 5.6 AwE 2.8 cWk -> OWN|OWS|OWF -> OWN 2.8 HAa 1.9 ocw -> _OR 1.9 fwg Seems to confirm k -> N and c -> O Four-letter words 8.8 WITH 5.9 dkcW -> _NOW -> KNOW? 5.9 WIkt -> WIND? 4.4 fcnE 2.9 Wcuo 2.9 kEEt -> NEED? 2.9 fcwk -> _ORK 2.9 aIkz 2.9 tckT -> _ONT 2.9 THAT Five-letter words 14.6 kEsEw -> NEVER 9.8 gcjuu 9.8 THIkd -> THINK 9.8 EAwTH -> EARTH 9.8 lAIkT 4.9 aTIuu 2.4 uEAwk 2.4 gcjsE 2.4 EsEwg -> EVER 2.4 jkTIu Ever and never are consistent. Single letter frequency 12.3 E (given as 12.7) 9.8 c -> O (given as 7.5) 9.0 T (given as 9.1) 8.4 k -> N (given as 6.7) 7.2 A (given as 8.2) 7.1 H (given as 6.1) 5.9 w 5.8 I 5.1 u 4.1 a 3.5 W 3.5 j 3.2 f 2.8 g 2.8 t 1.7 o 1.5 n 1.4 l 1.3 d 1.3 s This makes the claim c -> O and k -> N seem dubious. The all of the decoding in the second pass is based on this claim.